
Myanmar (Burma) December 2017

My next trip is a short excursion to Myanmar (Burma), to the northeast of Thailand. About the size of France, it has about 52 million people, mostly Buddhists.

I will begin in Yangon (formerly Rangoon), and then spend Christmas week on the beach to the northwest on the Bay of Bengal. I am saving the northern reaches for another visit. Internet connectivity may be problematic. As I am in a country until recently ruled by its military (and perhaps still so to some degree) I will keep commentary to a minimum for now.

Thanaka face ‘paint’ has been used in Burma for more than 2,000 years. It is ground from the bark of the Thanaka tree, and has many beneficial properties.


Yangon (Rangoon):

There are many colonial era buildings, some needing a bit of renovation

Elephants are important in the Burmese culture

Then, on to Thandwe and Ngapali Beach (very popular in Myanmar), facing out on the Bay of Bengal:

Despite many hotels, this 7 mile long beach never seemed crowded

My morning coffee and breakfast spot

A youngster from the UK gives this statue a kiss.

Where I spent Christmas morning. One of my favorite places to hang out, outside the library.

Vendors walk up and down the beach selling fruit and jewelry.

Ah, banana pancakes…

There must be a hundred excellent seafood restaurants along Ngapali Beach Road, where a barracuda fillet with rice costs about $3USD.

From a sugar mill

Fish drying in the sun

I rented an ‘e-bike’ for $1.40 an hour

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