
Readers Travel Picks

This area is for those who read this to post comments about special places that they have traveled to and especially enjoyed. This will help us share experiences and learn from each other.

To do this, just post a ‘Reply’ or ‘comment’ that starts with the name of the place you recommend, and then some details about why.

I’ll start things out by making a list here of some favorite places Judy and I found during our travels. I am not doing any trip reports about travels before November 2015, but I’ll include a few links (in green) to places with useful trip reports by us or others.

Some of our favorite destinations over the years:

Gangga Island Resort   North Sulawesi, Indonesia    Lovely place to relax and snorkel

Maldives   Indian Ocean, south of India   Exquisite islands with fabulous snorkeling

Island of Rab   Croatia, Europe    The old town is delightful.

Torres del Paine Park   Patagonia region of southern Chile, South America

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