

My father said that he wrote poems not because he wanted to, but because he had to. His sister, my aunt Emily, wrote a book of poems titled “Reflections”. I guess I inherited a bit of this, as from time to time I have had poems well up in me.

No Malinowskis have won awards for our simple poems. As they might be of interest to a few in our family, here are some of them, as well as a few of my favorites by other poets.

Papa Was an Artist
Mel Malinowski
(written for H.J. Malinowski’s 85th birthday)

Hunting for the needle

H.J. Malinowski

Whale Tracks
H.J. Malinowski

A Tree and Me
Mel Malinowski

The Wings of Song
Emily (Malinowski) Moe

Mel Malinowski

Sunday Gardener
Sophia (Malinowski) Davidson

In Praise of Feeling Bad about Yourself
Wisława Szymborska
(translated from the Polish)

Mending Wall
Robert Frost

Max Ehrmann